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Featured: Ralph Didomenico
How I got stronger at Cooperstown Center

Ralph Didomenico
Cooperstown Center

Ralph Didomenico
Resident at Cooperstown CenterFirst, there was anger. I had gone into the hospital to relieve the pressure on my spine. When I came out of the anesthesia, I thought I was dreaming, that I had no legs. But it was not a dream. I had legs, but no feeling in them. I was paralyzed. The doctors told me that I would probably never walk again. I was livid—at the surgeons and at the situation. They discharged me to Cooperstown Center, and I thought: They’re just sending me out to pasture, to live out my days in a wheelchair, with a blanket over my useless limbs and a television remote control in my hand. I would have no control whatsoever of my life. The folks at Cooperstown Center disabused me of that notion really quick. Within a day, their team of healthcare professionals—nurses, physical therapists and social workers—had met with me, assessed my situation and my needs, and put a plan in place. Their mission became my mission: get me back on my feet and walking again. At first, they needed a lift to get me out of bed, but Cooperstown Center has some remarkable high-tech rehab equipment that gave me a real lift. Sure, there were times when I was discouraged, but I always had plenty of cheerleaders—family members, church members, and a whole bunch of Cooperstown Center members. The thing about Cooperstown Center is that they are part of my community—and reaching out to my community was a vital part of my…

Vivian and Donald Havener, as told by their son James.
Patients at Cooperstown CenterMy Mom was experiencing dizzy spells, heart palpitations and shortness of breath. The hospital diagnosed atrial fibrillation and hypotension, and she was in immediate need of help managing her condition. I did some research and liked what I saw at Cooperstown Center. Within days of her admittance to Cooperstown Center, my Mom’s condition had noticeably improved. I was so impressed with the work the therapists and medical staff were doing, I asked about my Dad. He was living down in Florida, recovering from a recent car accident, with pins and screws in his ankle. I brought him up to Cooperstown Center. My Mom is happily managing her hypotension at home now, and my Dad is getting stronger every day at Cooperstown Center. And I couldn’t be more thankful for the excellent work the Center’s team has done.

Ralph Didomenico
Resident at Cooperstown CenterFirst, there was anger. I had gone into the hospital to relieve the pressure on my spine. When I came out of the anesthesia, I…

Vivian and Donald Havener, as told by their son James.
Patients at Cooperstown CenterMy Mom was experiencing dizzy spells, heart palpitations and shortness of breath. The hospital diagnosed atrial fibrillation and hypotension, and she was in immediate need…
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